With 40 million monthly readers and as the leader of online obituaries, Legacy wanted to offer families and friends who've lost someone the ability to make charitable donations in their honor to the causes that meant the most to them. A variety of causes - from cancer research to local animal shelters to veteran support - can personally impact one's life in meaningful ways. It was important to Legacy to find a solution that provided access to charities at local, national, and global levels.
In partnering with Pledge, Legacy now offers every visitor the ability to access & support verified charities in Pledge's database of over 2 million organizations. Users are able to search for a charity by name and make a donation in a loved one's honor, all directly within their site so that a user never has to leave the Legacy experience. Legacy partnered with Pledge to integrate the Charity Search and custom Donation API to enable visitors to make a donation in addition to flowers or other gifts through their online obituary and within Legacy's network of 900+ newspaper partners across the U.S. Now, anyone can support the charities that were close to loved ones' hearts and communities.
As the leading publisher of digital obituaries, we are in a very unique position to use our platform to make the world a better place for future generations. Our partnership with Pledge enables our users to honor the legacy of their loved ones in a truly meaningful way by giving to organizations both big and small.